Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

  • L. Baratchart gave a talk at the Shanks workshop “Mathematical methods for inverse magnetization problems arising in geosciences”, organized at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA), March 2016, a talk at “SEAM”, organized by the AMS at USF (Tampa, USA), a talk at “AppOpt” organized by ICIMAF in Havana (Cuba) http://gama.uc3m.es/claroline1811/courses/APPOPT16/document/index.html and a talk at ` SIGMA'2016 (Signal-Image-Géométrie-Modélisation-Approximation). http://programme-scientifique.weebly.com/1506.html, organized by the SMAI at CIRM (Luminy, France).

  • S. Chevillard gave a talk at the Shanks workshop “Mathematical methods for inverse magnetization problems arising in geosciences”, organized at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA), March 2016.

  • B. Hanzon gave a presentation at the CDC 2016 pre-workshop on "realization theory and its role in system identification" (joint work with M. Olivi and R. Peeters) https://sites.google.com/site/mihalypetreczky/workshop-cdc-2016, Las-Vegas, USA, December 11.

  • J. Leblond presented a communication at the above-mentioned Shanks Workshop, at the conference PICOF 2016 (Problèmes Inverses, Contrôle, Optimisation de Formes, Autrans, France, June 1-3 2016, http://picof.sciencesconf.org/), and at the seminar Mécanique, Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique, LMNO, Univ. Caen, France, December 5, 2016.

  • M. Olivi gave a talk at the conference SIGMA'2016 (Signal-Image-Géométrie-Modélisation-Approximation). http://programme-scientifique.weebly.com/1506.html, Marseille, France, October 30-November 4.

  • F. Seyfert presented a communication at the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Netowrks and Systems https://sites.google.com/a/umn.edu/mtns-2016/, USA, Mineapolis, July 12-15, 2016.

  • K. Mavreas presented a communication at the Conference Advances in Lunar Magnetism: from Paleomagnetism to Dynamos, Cargèse, France, June 1-3, 2016, http://maglune.cerege.fr/?page_id=416. Together with C. Papageorgakis, they participated to the Semaine d'Étude Mathématiques-Informatique Entreprises, Grenoble, France, October 24-28, 2016. Grenoble.

  • C. Papageorgakis presented a communication at the Conference PICOF 2016 and at the Science Day in BESA company, Munich, Germany, December 15, 2016.

  • D. Ponomarev presented a communication at the above-mentioned Shanks Workshop and a poster at the Conference PICOF 2016.

  • D. Martinez Martinez gave a seminar at the department ELEC of the Vrije Uniniversiteit of Brussels (sept. 18) and at the Universidad Polit´ecnica de Cartagena, ETSI (December 14). He gave a talk at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications, Syracuse (NY), USA, October 23-27.

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • K. Mavreas and C. Papageorgakis were among the PhD students in charge of the PhD students Seminar within the Research Center.

  • J. Leblond was one of the co-organizers of the 3rd “Journée Mathématiques et Parité”, IHP, Paris, July 8, 2016, http://postes.smai.emath.fr/apres/parite/journee2016/.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • L. Baratchart was a member of the program committee of “Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems” (MTNS) 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

  • J. Leblond was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference PICOF 2016.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • L. Baratchart is sitting on the Editorial Board of the journals Constructive Methods and Function Theory and Complex Analysis and Operator Theory.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • L. Baratchart served as a reviewer for several journals (Annales Inst. Fourier, SIMA, Numerical Algorithms, Journal of Approx. Theory, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, ...)

  • J. Leblond was a reviewer for the journal Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal.

  • M. Olivi was a reviewer for the journals Automatica and IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and for the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

  • F. Seyfert was a reviewer for the journal IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques.

Invited Talks

Scientific Expertise

  • L. Baratchart is a member of the Mathematical panel of experts of ANR.

Research Administration

  • S. Chevillard was representative at the “comité de centre” and at the “comité des projets” (Research Center Inria-Sophia) until September 2016.

  • J. Leblond is an elected member of the “Conseil Scientifique” and of the “Commission Administrative Paritaire” of Inria. Until May, she was in charge of the mission “Conseil et soutien aux chercheurs” within the Research Center. She is also a member of the “Conseil Académique” of the Univ. Côte d'Azur (UCA).